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Status: offline

Players: 0/35

Votes: 0

Last ping: 3 minutes ago

Last online: 3 weeks ago

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Server description

NostalgiaCraft is the Minecraft survival server you've always been looking for: simple rules, minimal plugins, and a friendly community!

Get a sneak peek of our community:

If you're looking for a chill, no frills Minecraft server, NostalgiaCraft just might be for you. Our community is active, and there's never a shortage of people on the server to talk to! We hold weekly events (spawn building contest, photography contest, etc.) so that you can show off your skills to the community. If Minecraft gets boring sometimes for you then consider the fact that our community gets together frequently to play other games, be it from Among Us,, bed-wars, and more!

This is what "Join for the experience, stay for the community" means to us.

If you have any questions our dedicated staff-team and friendly community will always be willing to help you out on our discord!

Frequently asked questions

What is the address of the server?

The address of this server is You can use this address to join this Minecraft server.

How many players does have?

Currently there are 0 players on the server and the maximum can be as many as 35 players at the same time. © 2019-2024
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