This server has been offline for a while and is likely inactive, so voting isn't possible. We'll check its status periodically. In the meantime, it will be hidden on the server list and accessible only via its URL.

survival, claims, SMP, economy, community

Address (IP):

Status: offline

Players: 0/1

Votes: 0

Tags: #survival,

Last ping: 2 hours ago

Last online: 1 years ago

Recent votes

  • SilvobiSilvobi 2 years ago

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Server description

ENG: Hi! Welcome to VillagerCraft! VillagerCraft is a small, Polish, 1.19, SMP with cool, friendly community! Depsite the server is Polish there are some people in staff that will help you start playing on it! So why not giving it a chance? OUR DISCORD:

PL: Cześć! Witaj na Villagercraft! VillagerCraft to mały, polski, SMP 1.19 z fajną, przyjazną społecznością! Pomimo tego, że serwer jest polski w obsadzie znajdują się ludzie, którzy pomogą ci zacząć grę! Więc czemu nie dać by serwerowi szansy? NASZ DISCORD: © 2019-2024
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