This server has been offline for a while and is likely inactive, so voting isn't possible. We'll check its status periodically. In the meantime, it will be hidden on the server list and accessible only via its URL.

A Minecraft Server

Address (IP):

Status: offline

Players: 0/100

Votes: 0

Version: 1.20

Last ping: an hour ago

Last online: 4 months ago

Recent votes

  • ZacSync 1 years ago

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Server description

Welcome to the awesome mystical world that is called Aeyurith where anyone can come & test luck, skill, & strategy against fiesty foes like elite monsters & bosses galore all with the power within weapons granted from a mythical force such as the "Sword of Beheading" & much more! Here is where anyone's creativity comes alive alongside others internationally to join forces against the Elite to ensure victorious feats even to be shared amongst a multitude of social platforms so grab your confidence because you'll need it!!! © 2019-2024
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