This server has been offline for a while and is likely inactive, so voting isn't possible. We'll check its status periodically. In the meantime, it will be hidden on the server list and accessible only via its URL.

A place like no other, fight your way to victory!

Address (IP):

Status: offline

Players: 0/1000

Votes: 0

Version: 1.19.4

Country: US

Last ping: an hour ago

Last online: 1 years ago

Recent votes

  • Creavite 1 years ago

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Server description

Server Version: 1.8 - 1.19

Unleash your warrior spirit and enter a realm of epic battles and relentless challenges. Explore a vast and dynamic world filled with opportunities for triumph and glory. Join our community of fierce fighters and prove your mettle on the battlefield. Are you ready to fight your way to victory? Join us now and discover why our server is the ultimate destination for warriors seeking adventure and excitement.

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