This server will probably stay offline
This server has been offline for a while and is likely inactive, so voting isn't possible. We'll check its status periodically. In the meantime, it will be hidden on the server list and accessible only via archive.Information on this page may be outdated
The information on this page may be outdated, as the server owner last updated it over 3 months ago.
Standard Survival is a 24/7 survival server set up to be an immersive vanilla-like experience. As a result, all teleport commands such as /tp, /home, /spawn are disabled, but you can still set a different spawn by sleeping in a bed.The world is yours to explore. You can build, craft, kill, survive and do anything else you want, there are no rules. You can defend against griefers by protecting your land and chests custom Groups plugin. So team up with others or go lone wolf and start an adventure on Standard Survival. © 2019-2025
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